Monday, October 16, 2006

No tengo nada contra ti Mujer

(by José Miguel Ibañez Langlois)

No tengo nada contra ti Mujer
Me pareces sagrada y misteriosa
Y más próxima al Cielo que a la Tierra
No tengo nada contra ti...
Si no es...
Que un dia te caerán los dientes
Que no eres Dios
Que engordas
Que te mueres

1 comment:

Gorod said...

I have to admit this poem leaves me a bit of mixed feelings, but nevertheless I am impressed by its power. It just says that 'Woman is not God' in a very frontal, brutal way.

Sometimes, for some of us, it's not that easy to face the fact that Woman is not God... ultimately, that comes as a compliment to feminality.

I'll leave a (pretty lousy) translation here in case anyone needs it...

I have nothing against you Woman
You seem sacred and misterious
And closer to the Heavens than to the Earth
I have nothing against you...
If not...
That one day your teeth will fall off
That you are not God
That you get fat
That you die